Preparing a Resource Policy

Shared Decision-Making Protocols

First Nations’ resource policies commonly list specific requirements for agreements with mining companies and shared decision-making processes with levels of government, including other First Nations.

Under the Innu Nation’s Guidelines for the Mining Industry, the Innu Nation must be involved in an archaeological survey of any areas potentially affected by exploration activities before they start. In the event that a burial or archaeological site is identified during mining activities, miners must suspend operations and contact the Innu Nation to determine

First Nations’ resource polices specify decision making procedures for the following activities:

  • Preliminary evaluation
  • Exploration activities
  • Development activities
  • Environmental assessments
  • Agreements with mining companies
  • Agreements with other levels of government


Resource polices can require that, at each stage of decision-making, the decision be consistent with the policy’s objectives and guiding principles. For example, a First Nation may choose not to decide in favour of an activity where the proponent has not provided the information necessary for the community to give its free, prior, and informed consent.

A First Nation may also choose to consent to an activity that has economic or employment benefits so long as it does not conflict with the resource policy’s guiding principles.


A Community Resource